ROTC Media is a 24 hour news and entertainment brand that was started in August of 2017 by Mike “Mersh” Schiele & Royce Lopez. Revenge Of The Cis started as a weekly podcast and grew into a daily comedy news program that airs Monday through Friday from 4pm-6pm ET. In addition to our Twitch & YouTube Channels, we also offer an audio-only podcast, as well as a website that is updated 24 hours a day with breaking news. This project has been an overwhelming undertaking and unfortunately, it has yet to break even in terms of finances. The cost of continuing our work and maintaining our momentum is generally subsidized by generous people who are fans of our work. Whether it’s our dedication to uncovering Hollywood pedophilia, our silly comedy sketches, or our dedication to finding out the truth during national times of confusion…our fans have come to grow appreciative enough to donate to our cause.
In order to break even and keep ROTC Media a full time endeavor, we require the resources to keep two grown men fed and paid enough to pay their basic bills. On top of that, we require premium internet, equipment, as well as travel and lodging when covering events on the road. Our optimum goal would be to generate at least $7,500 per month in income. Below is a chart showing an approximation of our monthly income versus our goal.
ROTC Media cannot survive without your support! Donate today! For a show that has only existed for 7 months, Revenge Of The Cis has managed to receive THREE content strikes on YouTube, TWO content strikes on Twitch, and had our Twitter account permanently suspended with no reason given. Due to our outspoken criticism of the SPLC, and their newfound status as the official “trusted flaggers” of YouTube it has become increasingly obvious that our presence simply will not be tolerated on mainstream social media sites. Conservatives such as Infowars, Roger Stone, Milo Yiannopolous, The Red Elephants and many others are being targeted in a coordinated attempt to destroy our freedom of speech. We are not anywhere near as big as these other outlets. We do a DAILY 2 hour news and comedy show as well as full time citizen journalism and political commentary via this website. We don’t hide behind a paywall or otherwise try and trick people into giving us money. We simply hope that some cool people care enough about what we do to show their appreciation when they can. We cannot survive without your continued support. This page gives you many options, both monetary and otherwise, to support ROTC Media and provide us with the necessary financial stability to keep our operations alive. From donating directly, to inviting your friends to like our pages and rating us 5 stars on iTunes and Facebook…it all helps.
Sign up and support the media insurgency today!

Pledging (and maintaining) a monthly, recurring donation is without a doubt the best way to contribute to the longevity and well being of the show. Knowing we have a particular safety net of recurring income every month gives us the confidence to invest more time, money and effort into giving you the best product we possibly can.

We are proud to announce that we have finally signed up for Streamlabs! You can now donate and be noticed live during our show in the same style as YouTube Superchat. There’s no guarantee we will read it out loud (1488 sperging is not our style of show). CLICK HERE to find out how to support us via Streamlabs.

Not everyone can afford to donate monthly. But almost everyone on the planet has a PayPal and a few extra bucks. If you happen to be one of those people, we are always grateful to receive anything we can get. All of this money is used to keep ROTC Media alive and kicking, and being such an small independent outfit we appreciate every penny.

Some folks have requested that we get set up to receive money on Venmo. You may donate using the link.
You can support us by doing things you probably already do, such as shopping on Amazon! By simply clicking on our Amazon banner BEFORE you make your purchases you can help us generate some income. Bookmark this page and when you are ready to make an Amazon purchase, help your boys out by clicking our banner first!
If you can’t afford to donate, we totally understand. But if you are still interested in helping there are a million ways you can contribute! Here are a few ways you can help bigly:
- Rate us five stars on iTunes! The more high ratings we get, the higher our visibility gets as we climb the ranks. The more aggregate sites we appear on and the more subscriptions we get, the faster we can grow! Click here to head to Apple’s site and rate us five stars!
- Rate our Facebook page five stars as well! Another way to help us win the war of public perception is for us to maintain a high rating on Facebook. The number of reviews also plays a role. The more high ratings, shares and likes we get the harder it gets to bury us!
- Invite your friends DIRECTLY to like our page. If all of our close friends & fans invited 100 people to like our page, and only 10% of them accepted, we would still be 10 times the size we are now, increasing our reach.
- Support our allies & sponsors. Make sure you like, rate and show some love to their platforms as well.