Advertise With ROTC Media


Adwords Alternatives Advertising Bidvertiser Infolinks Medianet

Advertising with us will bring you tons of profits. If you don’t believe us, just look at this dodgy, generic chart!

With the rising cost of advertising on the internet, many people are looking for an alternative to programs like Adwords,, Infolinks and Bidvertiser. Many of these services come with a ton of overhead and expenses to justify and they essentially act as a middle man between advertisers and internet content providers. Typical internet ad rates are generally around $10 per CPM, which means that for every 1 thousand people who see your ad displayed on a page they are reading you will pay around $10. In addition, it can cost as much as $2 per CLICK whenever that person clicks on your advertisement. This can add up extremely quickly and end up costing a small business hundreds, even thousands of dollars per month in revenue. Those kinds of expenses can be difficult to sustain and can decimate your cash flow.

Google plays middle man with it’s ad content delivery service, often charging $10-$15 CPM and $2 CPC and paying the content providers and webmasters as little as 10-15% of the money they collect from the advertisers. Most of the money ends up paying for big executive bonuses, boats and private schools. We at ROTC Media would like to cut out the middle man and split the savings with you by offering advertising directly on our website. We offer highly effective, low cost advertising targeted directly to our extremely loyal and vocal fan base. You can advertise with us for as little as $25 per month if that’s all you have. Our website rates will stay below $5 CPM and $.60 per click, giving you an exciting opportunity to save some money while generating new clients!


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