
Tragedy Celebs: Enough Of David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez & Kyle Kashuv

Tragedy Celebs

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

In the weeks since the heartbreaking massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida, the country has been bombarded with enough propaganda to last a lifetime. In the aftermath following the Valentine’s day massacre perpetrated by Nikolas Cruz, we watched as traumatized, emotional teenagers are paraded around on television and at town hall meetings. Their heartbreak, and the bodies of their classmates being used as props in order to tell us how to feel, what to think and which constitutional amendments are still valid. And we’ve turned them into tragedy celebs. First it was David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez telling us that we had to give up our guns. They told us that the National Rifle Association was an evil lobbying organization whose board members pleasured themselves to the images of dead kids. Then Kyle Kashuv came along and told us it wasn’t less guns we needed, but MORE guns! But curiously they never really spent much time honoring the memory of the kids and faculty members who actually lost their lives in the tragic bloodbath. In fact for a bunch of kids who just experienced such a terrible and traumatic event, they seemed to be enjoying the spotlight a bit too much. They were too busy being tragedy celebs.

The idea isn’t a new concept. Oliver Stone made his classic 1994 film “Natural Born Killers” about this very phenomenon. Americans have always had a fascination with tragedy and violence. We romanticize it. We build our killers up in the media. We give them cool nicknames. Violence and murder has always been marketed to us. Before Nancy Grace was clogging up our airwaves with her lust for dead kids, it was Geraldo Rivera and Steve Dunleavy. I personally remember growing up in a country obsessed with people like Timothy McVeigh, Klebold & Harris, OJ Simpson and the Menendez brothers. Anyone who tells you that they didn’t discuss the latest developments of those high profile cases excitedly over dinner is lying to you. There is a reason why there are entire channels devoted to cold cases and murderers at large. Americans get off on violence and tragedy. Tragedy porn is our milieu. Now on top of selling advertising on the graves of these children, they’ve figured out a way to propagandize them as well. The tragedy celebs seem to be a uniquely American trend. All we keep hearing about is David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez and Kyle Kashuv. Can you name a single person who was actually killed in the Parkland shooting?


These are the people who need to be talked about: Alyssa Alhadeff, Scott Beigel, Martin Duque, Nicholas Dworet, Aaron Feis, Jaime Guttenberg, Middle row, from left: Chris Hixon, Luke Hoyer, Cara Loughran, Gina Montalto, Joaquin Oliver, Alaina Petty. Bottom row, from left: Meadow Pollack, Helena Ramsey, Alex Schachter, Carmen Schentrup, Peter Wang

The new red carpet is soaked in blood of children and nobody seems to care. Despite the fact that 17 people lost their lives, we are so concerned with pushing a narrative and beating the other side of the aisle that we’ve all collectively lost our minds as a nation. And in the process of trying to prove ourselves right, both Republicans and Democrats have given birth to a uniquely American creation: The Tragedy Celeb.

David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez want your guns. They don’t need a fancy college degree, a working knowledge of civics or philosophy, or even self awareness to come to that conclusion. They just know it in their gut. Because they were victims of a horrible tragedy, neither you nor myself are allowed to criticize them in any way. Should you cave in to the temptation to react, rebut or otherwise resist their attempts to push a gun control narrative then be warned: you have a YouTube content strike coming your way. These are brave young people who suffered a horrible tragedy and are now exempt from any and all criticism despite the fact that they tweet a prolific amount of uninformed, sanctimonious horseshit. If you so much as challenge one of their uninformed opinions, particularly on Twitter, you’ll be labeled as pro-school shooter.

“If this…[happened in] black community, no matter how well those people spoke, I don’t think the media would cover it the same.” – David Hogg –  Media Appointed Leader Of America’s Youth


” Those talking about how we should have not ostracized him, you didn’t know this kid, OK? We did.”  – Emma Gonzalez, Gun Confiscator and Queen Of Empathy

Many conservative outlets rightly pointed out the unethical and distasteful coaching of these young victims. Videos emerged of David Hogg being coached on what to say and doing several takes while forgetting his lines. Many outlets, such as ourselves and Infowars were hit with multiple content strikes for so-called “harassment” and “bullying” simply for calling out the obviously forced media narrative. Larger conservative personalities like Ben Shapiro joined in on these arguments. Being a victim doesn’t suddenly make you an authority on legislation or the constitution. Nor does it entitle you to be off-limits from criticism or debate. The fact that the MSM in turned used these kids in the first place is unforgivable. The use of these children as actors in your propaganda was so ham handed that even uninformed people could see that they were being manipulated.

Then Kyle Kashuv came along. And conservatives proved once again what a bunch of damn hypocrites they are.

Conservative Host Ben Shapiro chastised the media for their use of propaganda, until Kyle Kashuv came along.

Instead of taking the high road and letting the Left and the mainstream media muddy themselves in dirty tactics, the right decided to predictably jump into the slop and get twice as dirty. So Fox News and conservatives found their little Second Amendment darling, our third tragedy celeb to come out of the Parkland Shooting: Kyle Kashuv. Within five weeks Kyle announced he’s developing some kind of vague, bullshit app. And in a short time he’s met more federal politicians than one of Jeffrey Epstein’s underage prostitutes. And what did Ben Shapiro do? What did Fox News do? They fed right into it and created yet another tragedy celeb. One look at this kid’s timeline will make you want to throw your laptop through a window. Kyle Kashuv is clearly having the greatest time of his life. And hypocrites in the conservative sphere are lining up to encourage him. They now have their own tragedy celebs. We shouldn’t be lining up to let these kids cash in and build their platform on the bodies of their dead classmates. Even if they happen to happen to agree with you on some issues, it’s both unethical and hypocritical considering so many conservatives were in agreement that using this kids was wrong a month ago. We can’t suddenly anoint these children as leaders of our country’s political dialogue simply because they were victims and happen to push the same line of bullshit as we do.  I didn’t like when David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez did it on CNN. And I don’t like it when Kyle Kashuv does it on Fox News.  I hate tragedy celebs whether they think I should keep my guns or not.

I can’t bear to see the anguish on their faces.

Teenagers are literally the most worthless human beings on the planet. Their taste is terrible. Their opinions are worthless. And their self esteem is unearned. A good parent doesn’t indulge their demands otherwise their food pantry would be full of weed brownies and Tide Pods. But don’t you dare criticize these photogenic, well-spoken young tragedy celebs! David Hogg EARNED that Twitter verification badge! He bravely hid in a closet far away from the active shooters so he could calmly and methodically coach and interview other kids in some bizarre “audition tape” for CNN. Emma Gonzalez deserves her tragedy celeb status! She earned it with her pain, right? Kyle Kashuv DESERVES meetings with Senators and the President. He’s earned it because he was in a building other people died in. And he’s working on an app or something. So when David Hogg demands you hand over your guns, or Kyle Kashuv jokingly-but-not-jokingly demands that you give him a new suit, you do what you are told. Otherwise you’re somehow disrespecting the people who lost their lives.

This world has lost it’s mind…


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Tragedy Celebs, Tragedy Celeb,Tragedy Celebrity, Tragedy Celebrities, Parkland Survivors, David Hogg, Kyle Kashuv, Emma Gonzalez, Tragedy Celebs, #ParklandStrong, #ParklandStudentsSpeak, #MarchForOurLives, Nikolas Cruz, Zachary Cruz, Colton Haab, Parkland Shooting, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Tragedy Celebs,Tragedy Celebs,


Born in NY, Mersh began his career in radio in 2005 working for Beasley Broadcasting in New Bern, NC. Eventually he would go on to work for multiple other media companies as he began his career as a stand up comedian, opening for comedians such as Dave Attell, Doug Stanhope, Otto Petersen, Robert Kelly and more. In 2017 he co-founded ROTC Media as an antidote to what he felt to be a news and entertainment world dominated by Leftists.

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